What Happened at Council Last Night?

The Inaugural Council Meeting, Monday, November 21, 2022

A well-filled public gallery was on hand in support and to witness the proceedings as the new council took the Oath of Office last evening at 7:00 pm. A few friendly greetings and conversations took place before the ceremony began. However, the atmosphere in the room was mainly subdued and a little nervous as the newly elected members sat with friends and family in the gallery.

City Clerk Bray opened the evening by welcoming everyone and acknowledging Elliot Lake’s location on Robinson-Huron Treaty land. Ms. Bray explained the oaths that would be taken by each new member. Local retired minister Rev. Cory Cuthbert-Vermeer and Serpent River First Nation Councillor John (Jack) Trudeau delivered prayers.

Mayor-elect Patrie was the first to be sworn in, and the City Clerk placed the Chain of Office on his shoulders. Ms. Bray invited Mayor Patrie to take his place at the head of the council table. In order of votes received, each new councillor was individually sworn in and invited to take their seat at the council table. When all the members were seated, they individually thanked their families, supporters, and the community for the opportunity to serve Elliot Lake.

Mayor Patrie called the meeting to order. The photo with this story is the moment the gavel was coming down to mark the beginning of the Inaugural Council Meeting.

An Acting Mayor was elected. This is the person who will act for the mayor in the event the mayor is not available. The council followed the staff's recommendation and elected the councillor with the most votes. Councillor Wannan was elected Acting Mayor. (Note: this role has also been called Deputy Mayor.)

A head of the Finance Committee was also chosen. Re-elected Councillor Norman Mann was elected. Councillor Mann served in this role during the past council.

During the hour, the subdued atmosphere and nervousness with which the meeting began had gradually changed. The Clerk’s friendly welcome, the prayers, and human moments such as Councillor Mann pausing briefly as he read the oath to comment, “the print is really small,” all contributed to the growing ease. It was also helpful that the council members were prepared but not presumptuous in demeanor as they assumed their office.

At about five minutes in length, the official council meeting was probably the shortest meeting this council will have. Mayor Patrie brought the gavel down to close the meeting. Councillor Flintoff read the moment and commented, “that was pretty easy!” The guests applauded and Mayor Patrie smiled, “that’s the last time you will get to clap in the chamber.” Everyone was invited to a small reception in the Committee Room.

So, what happened at council last night? It was serious where it needed to be serious, and it was human throughout. It was an excellent start. Congratulations to our new council: Mayor Chris Patrie, Councillor Andrew Wannan, Councillor Charlie Flintoff, Councillor Rick Bull, Councillor Norman Mann, Councillor Merrill Seidel, Councillor Luc Morissette.

 Stephen Calverley, November 22, 2022

Correction: 2022-11-22 3:15 PM - Councillor Mann has been appointed as the third signing authority. The rationale was his anticipated appointment as the chair of the Finance and Administration committee.