What goes beside Timmy's?

The first full council meeting - lots and lots to consider!

Property news

The major news of the night was about two properties: 255 Hwy 108 the site of the former Lester B. Pearson Civic Centre, and 151 Ontario Avenue the site of the former Algo Mall.

The agenda package posted last Thursday (11/24/2022) identified two proposals for the former Lester B. Pearson Civic Centre site at 255 Hwy 108. Councillor Norman Mann stated they received a third proposal for the council’s consideration, and he wanted that to be public knowledge too.

255 Hwy 108 is the empty property immediately beside Tim Hortons. It became an election issue this fall. The performing arts community strongly supports a new arts facility being rebuilt on the property. Some other citizens (including this author) have noted that other sites are suitable for a performing arts theatre, such as downtown on the old mall property and that 255 Hwy 108 is the best site in town to attract another hotel to support tourism and generate tax revenue.

The new councillors had no comments or questions to a motion by Mayor Chris Patrie to take the proposals into a closed session. Considering how many times during the last council that (then councillor) Patrie and Councillor Mann raised the matter of closed sessions as a transparency and accountability issue before a roll call vote, it was a real contrast to have no comments or questions and only a show-of-hands vote to move the matter behind closed doors (with only Councillor Charles Flintoff’s hand visible to the viewers at home.) 

In another vote, Councillor Norman Mann motioned to declare the old mall site at 151 Ontario surplus and available for sale. (Kris Svela covered this topic, including some history, in an ElliotLakeToday.com article, November 29, 2022, “Former mall property back on sale.”)


Conference news

The council plans to send the mayor, two councillors, and the CAO to the ROMA (Rural Ontario Municipal Association) conference on January 22 - 24. https://www.roma.on.ca/roma-2023/program

The mayor, two councillors, the CAO, and the Director of Public Works will attend the OGRA (Ontario Good Roads Association) conference on April 16 – 19 in Toronto. https://goodroads.ca/conference/  Mayor Chris Patrie stated, “we traditionally invite our Director of Public Works because it is very informative. There’s an awful lot of information to assist the municipality with new technologies, new potential grants, and corporations out there to work with.”


Appointments to Standing Committees

Bylaw and Planning – Councillor Wannan (Chair); Councillors Mann and Seidel

Finance and Administration – Councillor Mann (Chair); Councillors Seidel and Wannan

 Public Services – Councillor Morrissette (Chair); Councillors Bull and Seidel

 Recreation and Culture – Councillor Bull (Chair); Councillors Wannan and Flintoff

 Economic Development – Councillor Flintoff (Chair); Councillors Bull and Morrissette

 Ad hoc Budget Committee – All members of council.


Committee schedule

The first Monday of the month is Bylaw and Planning; Parks and Recreation.

The third Monday of the month is Public Services; Finance and Administration.

The first Tuesday of the month is Economic Development.


In short, there’s already lots and lots for Elliot Lake councillors and citizens alike to consider and pay attention to!

Thank you, council.

by Stephen Calverley, November 29, 2022