Condition of Westview Park picnic shelter in question

The Westview Park picnic shelter is an iconic public asset. It provides shelter and a focal point for gatherings. Many special events have taken place here. It’s important for our social fabric and in our struggling, post-COVID society that is especially important to preserve.

With proper maintenance, this piece of public infrastructure can provide many more wonderful memories for Elliot Lakers. The shelter is also an important asset for marketing our city. The simple, bold shape offers photo opportunities that promote Elliot Lake as an attractive place to visit or live.

It was recently noticed the vertical posts supporting the roof have a significant lean away from the lake. The city was advised on Saturday, August 5, and they performed a cursory inspection, Monday, August 7.

Today, a fence was placed around the structure as a precaution. The city is acting promptly and responsibly to ensure public safety while the situation is being evaluated.

The full implications of the condition are still to be determined. However, at this early stage, we have a choice in how we approach this. Will it continue to be a positive example of citizens, council, and staff, communicating constructively and working together for the best outcome for our future?

An informed public and an engaged municipal government can solve this together. Open communication and mutual respect are the entry fee to a process with a good outcome for the future of Elliot Lake.

Stephen Calverley

August 8, 2023