A Valentine Luncheon to celebrate Love

Twice each week, Grace Christian Centre hosts an indoor yard sale. I checked it out on Groundhog Day. Here’s what it looked like to a first-time visitor. 

Yard Sale and Coffee Shop, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon

Depending on your beliefs, a snowy, grey day is a good omen on Groundhog Day and that’s what we had the morning I checked out the yard sale. If I thought the weather would keep people away, I was wrong. When I arrived mid-morning, the parking lot was well-filled. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow (apparently, especially not snow) will keep people from the yard sale!

I hadn’t met Aaltje (Alice) Forest before, but I knew she was a key contact so I reached out and asked if I could write a piece about the yard sale. I hoped some folks might see the story and check out the yard sale sometime. Our winters get tiresome about this time of year, and anything we can do to help each other now is a good thing. Alice graciously said “yes,” with no conditions attached.

A sign at the front of the building directed to the side door. I entered there and Alice was in the hallway, negotiating the sale of a furniture piece. There was business but it was social too and I quickly realized there was more to this than just a yard sale.

The building is a former college campus facility and like a good number of buildings in Elliot Lake, it’s repurposed. Many of the larger rooms contain yard sale items - and there certainly are the treasures and bargains one would expect, but there are also areas for socializing too. The central court is set up with tables and chairs, a place to enjoy a cup of coffee and socialize. Another large room is a recreation space with pool tables. When I was there, happy, focused players had the tables well in use. (No money on the rails. Maybe that’s why everyone was happy.)

Not just a Yard Sale!

I met a few of the people who help make this happen. That too left me with the sense this wasn’t “just a church rummage sale.” There is a community-focused purpose and folks in genuine need receive help in a variety of ways through this endeavour. My sense is the people of Grace would like to leave that long story kept short here.

Thank you for what you are doing for your neighbours. Including by your example.

A definition of the word grace is “a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward.” With that in mind, the people of Grace are well-named.


Consider enjoying a Valentine's Day treat, Tuesday, February 14

A Valentine Luncheon to Celebrate Love

Menu: Baked Chicken in Masala, Creamy Potato Salad, Spinach Salad, Chocolate Cake with Ganache.

Music and chocolate included!


Grace Christian Centre of Elliot Lake

1 College Place, Elliot Lake

Contact (705) 848-1249 Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

by Stephen Calverley, February 12, 2023